Great anticipation for the pitching tonight, Sanchez versus Tanaka. We’re looking to build on the very positive Estrada/Storen/Osuna shutout of Boston on Sunday with another good outing on the mound for the Jays. We get it, and Sanchez certainly looks better than Tanaka, but we still lose. Two runs on three hits, even supplemented by 6 walks and an hbp that came around to score, aren’t enough support for most good starting efforts. So, not much reason to overanalyze the loss, but there are random observations to make, in no particular order.

God forbid we should see James Hoye’s elastic strike zone behind the plate again anytime soon. First he squeezed, then he expanded, then he squeezed. It affected both pitchers. Tanaka, who has become a bit of a nibbler anyway, couldn’t get a call, while Sanchez couldn’t satisfy Hoye high no matter what he did, and was the recipient of many low gifts at the same time. If MLB is going to be ending games on spurious Utley rule calls made in New York, how long do we have to wait for an electronic strike zone, people?

The Jays’ batting funk continues. Eleven more strikeouts, continuing to lead the league in Ks. Bautista laced a double, Donaldson and Pillar solid singles, and that’s it. Pillar got his second hbp—is he settling in as leadoff? He also made a textbook Utley-legal slide into second that resulted in Castro throwing wild to first, breaking up a double play. Two questions: will pivot men start throwing when they know they should eat the ball, hoping for a call? And will we ever get to the point where we’re not holding our breath every time the bad guys don’t turn two, or will they change/abolish the rule first?

We know about the various hurry-up clocks that are being used now. It occurred to me that when Tanaka’s translator has to come out with the pitching coach, that it takes more time to deliver the message. Do they allow a bit of discretion for that, or are they going to set up a translator exception in the rules? I’d bet on a new rule—seems to be the answer for everything. Different time limits for different languages??

This is the second time Cecil hasn’t picked up Sanchez in a close game and takes the loss. Where are we if he doesn’t get sorted out? With Morales on the DL, he’s the only lefty in the pen. Interesting anomaly aside, I thought they should have kept Venditte on the roster. I know, options and rule 5 players and all, but how much should the business/technical end encroach on the product on the field? Update: Three hours after I wrote this paragraph, the Jays announced that Arnold Leon has been designated for assignment, to make room for the recall from Buffalo of Pat Venditte. In two appearances for Buffalo, he pitched two innings with 5 Ks, no homers, and no walks.

Finally, with all due respect, if Tanaka is the Yankees’ ace, they’re in trouble.

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