• May Twenty-Ninth: Red Sox 5, Jays 3
    Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

    Whether they were lucky enough to hold tickets for today’s long-ago-sold-out game or not, Blue Jays’ fans were abuzz with anticipation.

    The home team was going for its third straight series win, and had the brooms out for the hitherto high-flying Red Sox. We were also going for our fifth straight win, and eighth of our last ten. The excitement of the close first two games against Boston only promised further great things to come. (more…)

  • May Fifteenth: Rangers 7, Jays 6
    Went to the Fights Last Night and a Baseball Game Broke Out

    I purposely didn’t start yesterday’s game report right away because I needed some time to take in all of the commentary, and work through for myself the implications of everything that happened.

    So, let’s start with this: Jose Bautista must be planning a major “good luck” clubhouse gift to the Toronto Raptors in advance of the first game of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals tomorrow night. The shocking picture of Bautista’s glasses flying and his head snapping back under the impact of Roughned Odor’s wild sucker punch was the shot seen ’round the entire baseball world, making front pages everywhere that baseball is news. (more…)